Greetings everyone: Spring is finally here…well sort of. Our biologists have been busy getting our clients lakes and ponds ready and inspecting how they came out of the winter. This time of the year we are focusing on adding Lake and Pond Colorant dyes, installing Polymer Blocks over the diffusers and under fountains, and applying the first application of Water Quality Enzymes. The water is too cold for bacteria products, so focus on enzymes for now. We are starting to see some aquatic plant growth, primarily Curly-leaf pondweed and Eurasian watermilfoil and the bulk of those treatments will be starting soon. Some areas are more advanced than others depending on location and type of water body. We have treated some algae growth, but urge clients to hold off on algae treatments until the water warms up.
Our service department has been busy servicing aeration systems and installing decorative fountains. Spring is the best time to give your system some TLC.
We have been noticing some fish kills, primarily panfish. Most of the fish have died recently and are not the result of winter kill. Most likely it is a virus that is commonly called Bluegill Virus and is more pronounced in the spring and just after first ice formation- the virus seems to be active when the temps are colder. The eyes of the fish are usually pop-eye and there are signs of hemorrhage too.
When the weather ever warms up, the algae and aquatic plants are sure to be quite active. Hoping you have a great pond season!
For all the do-it yourself managers, we look forward to seeing you May 14 at Pond Days.