Winter is already Ā½ over, even though it doesn’t feel like winter has ever really been here. WLPR is busy at completing all of the management plans for our customers for 2012. With the latest cold snap, we have been able to get out on the ponds to start obtaining sediment sample survey data and oxygen analysis on ponds across the state. We do this for many of our customers to keep in our data base for future planning and compliance reasons.
We will be busy in February attending training seminars, conferences, and meeting with our vendors to stay on top of the new and/or changing management tools that will be available to us in 2012. In addition to the new management tools, we will also be attending DNR training meetings which will specifically address the new WPDES permitting requirements that went into effect in Oct of 2011. This new requirement will have a significant impact on aquatic applicators across WI and other states. You can be assured that WLPR is prepared for the new requirements and filing process that will be in effect this year. WLPR received its general WPDES permit from the WDNR in December of 2011.
Other new news for WLPR, we are now selling and installing docks, piers, and swim rafts. We have partnered with Mod-U-Dock and will be an installer of their products. We have some very nice and affordable docks catered to “pond environments”. Call us today for a quote or more information.
New this summer ā WLPR will be offering training and demonstrations on our newly constructed pond at our corporate office. Last fall we completed construction of a lined fishing and swimming pond. The pond is equipped with WLPR’s custom aeration system, an Aquamaster Fountain, is stocked with fish, and will have a variety of aquatic plants to view. We will be open every Saturday morning starting in April for customers to pick up products, receive training for do-it-yourself applicators, and allow prospective pond owners to view the components of a working pond.
As always, stop in or call to discuss your management needs, the coffee is always hot!