Grants for your project.

Wisconsin Lake & Pond Resource, LLC has the staff to guide you through the grant process and determine which program best suits you. We are able to guide your project starting with pre-planning and grant writing, on to plan creation, and finishing with direct lake management actions. Our knowledge and experience have secured over $350,000 for our clients – now is the time to apply!
Not sure how to start the process or don’t think you qualify? Feel free to call our office and we can help you get started!

The WDNR has various types of grants to assist in the management of your waterbody through its Surface Water Grants program. Grant-eligible projects include; lake management planning, lake protection & classification, river protection, river planning, and Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) control. Many different groups are able to apply for assistance, including; lake districts and associations, local governmental units (counties, cities, towns, & villages), school districts, non-profit conservation organizations, and more.
The Surface water grant program includes many different types of lake, river, and wetland projects. The most common Grant types and their Application deadlines are included below.
• No Deadline – Year-Round
AIS Early Detection & Response
These grants provide quick-access funding to control newly established populations of AIS. Early detection grants are an exceptional resource to get a quick plan of action for control of new invaders into your lake.
AIS Maintenance & Containment
This grant program only provides funding for AIS control permit fees (herbicide and/or mechanical) for non-grant funded projects where management has reached the target goal.
• December 10th – Planning
Grants in this category are focused on creating clear and concise plans for AIS management or prevention. Projects may include AIS monitoring or mapping, boat landing monitoring, management plan creation or update, public outreach, and others. Categories include:

- AIS Education, Prevention, & Planning
- Clean Boats / Clean Waters
- Lake Management Planning
Small Scale
Large Scale - Lake Classification & Ordinance Development
• February 1st – Management
Manage grants focus on the down and dirty fieldwork portion of AIS control. These grants assist groups in funding directed efforts to reduce established populations of AIS, most commonly through herbicide applications. Categories include:
- AIS Established Population Control
- Healthy Lakes Projects
- Lake Management Plan Implementation
- Wetland & Shoreline Habitat Restoration