How Much Does a Pond Cost? |Wisconsin Lake & Pond Resource

April 24, 2014

 Avoid Sticker Shock – Plan Your Project Going in and Stay Within Your Budget.

wisconsin pond

A recreational pond or lake can make a great addition to any landscape.   Based on the general estimates of existing projects we can help you plan the budget.

How Much Does a Pond Cost?

Costs for a pond include:

  •  Permitting
  • Design
  • Construction
  • Equipment
  • Materials
  • Water Source
  • Landscaping

Factors to determine costs:

  • Pond size
  • Depth
  • Shape
  • Watershed and site soil conditions
  • Layout of the land
  • Amount and distance required for spoils removal
  • Lining requirements
  • Equipment required

So what does it cost?

Most initial estimates will be based on the general size of your pond.  A typical lined pond will range from $1.50-2.50/sq ft.  A Ā½ acre pond general estimate is $33,000-55,000.  After we meet to start defining the goals of the owner, we can start to narrow down the estimate to a more defined range.

overlooking pond