As we continue to get unstable weather conditions, ponds are changing rapidly. We continue to perform routine algae treatments but caution should be taken now with warmer conditions and warmer water. Over-treating a pond can cause fish suffocation due to rapidly dying aquatic plant and algae growth. When heavy algae mats are present, consider treating 1/3 of the pond at a time.
We are seeing very positive results with our Wisconsin Pond Products line of bacteria. With the routine rainfalls followed by ample sunshine, the bacteria are definitely doing their role in minimizing algae growth and improving water clarity. It is not too late to start using bacteria in your pond if you are struggling with algae blooms. One hint: Treat the algae first with Cutrine products and follow up a week later with bacteria and watch the results!
We move into very stagnant conditions during the next 6-8 weeks. Pond temperatures have peaked and will stay pretty consistent through August. Routing algae treatments will be required as we experience the longest sunlight days of the year and generally warmer air temperatures. Here is a general approach for pond management you should be taking for the next 6 weeks:
Maintain dye levels (many pond owners forget to do this
Continue to apply bacteria products every 7-10 days
Treat algae before it becomes a nuisance. Whenever possible, use Cutrine granular when algae is below the surface and you may keep it from ever becoming a major bloom. Don’t overtreat though! When algae reaches the surface, switch to liquid algaecides and make a slurry before applying it to the algae mats. Hint: To improve the results of your algaecide treatment, mix in Water Quality Enzymes with your algaecide slurry at the rate of 1 gallon per acre.
Do a thorough inspection of your aeration and fountain equipment. Cleaning filters at the half-way point is a good practice. Pull up the diffusers in the pond and scrape off any debris that has built up. Check any intake screens on fountains and waterfall pumps to make sure debris is not blocking water flow.
Good luck with your ponds! As always, call us if you have any questions, we’re here to help you successfully manage your water resource.